

Big Sisters in Nursing is a organization dedicated to the betterment of society through the proper training, help and support of those who may need it in the nursing sector.

Nursing itself is a very full-on, high intensity job that requires a wide range of different skills along with a high level of discipline.

  • We aim to provide the necessary training and support to nurses and students so that they can hone their skills quicker and become better nurses in the process.
  • We do this through our nursing education, mentorship programs, help and support service and networking events, and they are all great things to get involved in if you are an aspiring nurse or if you want to gain some new skills and meet some great people. 
We provide general nursing education that will allow nurses and student nurses to pick up some key information from true professionals in the field of nursing itself. They will be able to learn how to approach challenges, how best to manage the busy times that will inevitably come with the job and also just how to become a better nurse through enhanced knowledge of the ethics and good practices that should be adhered to when you are a nurse.

Big Sisters in Nursing prepares nursing networking events, allowing you to connect with others in the field of nursing and see first-hand how different people approach different problems. With these events we will organize fun and engaging activities that will really help you to gain an understanding of the importance of the nursing role that you play within your community. These nursing networking events happen regularly throughout the year, so make sure to check back here on the website to find out when the next event is near you! 

We offer excellent nursing mentorship programs that will allow any of the nurses who participate in it to be paired up with an expert in the field. This mentor will guide them in the right directions in terms of best practices, how to overcome obstacles within their career and also some useful tips and tricks that you can’t simply learn in a classroom and can only learn with experience. Our mentors all have an abundance of this experience within the nursing profession and are all ready and willing to provide the next generation of nurses with the wealth of information that they have each accrued over decades in the industry through all of our nursing mentorship programs. 

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